Your beloved pet passed away recently or even years ago. Your pet was cremated and you received back the cremains or pet ash. So now what? If you are like many of our clients, your pet ash may just end up sitting in a box or urn in a closet or your garage. Many pet parents in the midst of this great loss and grieving process do not know what to do with the ash. There can be a lot of guilt associated with "what do I do with my pet ash" as you have not figured out what you want to do with it to honor and remember your pet in a meaningful yet responsible way. Rooted has the perfect solution.
Rooted now offers a meaningful solution in our Rooted Ash Donation program to remove guilt, add meaning and honor your pet and the planet as well. Upon receipt of your pet ashes, Rooted transforms your beloved pet's ash into beautiful, nutrient-rich compost soil. The soil is then used in restorative environmental projects like reforestation to help plant trees. Rooted holds numerous tree planting programs in partnership with organizations like the Arbor Day Foundation and Forterra. There is a small fee for this service to help support the program costs.